Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Y is for Yes and Yay!
Yes, the children did meet their first grade teachers on Monday.

Z is for Zoom on out........please say it isn't so!  I had a very hard time saying good-bye to this class.
As a group, we connected early on and we all wanted to learn together!  While academic progress was made by each and every student, we focused on so many life skills that they know I want them to take with them: cooperation, kindness, respect, flexibility, and more!  I must take a moment to thank you parents too.  Your support and trust was recognized all year.  You reached out with questions, supplied your child with numerous items from home, attended conferences, and listened to your child share stories from school with you!  Let me know if I can ever be of assistance and stay in touch!
With appreciation and lots of love,
Mrs. Topchik